Qumi-Qumi named animated movie of the year after winning main Newsground award!

Qumi-Qumi episode called the “The Third Eye” won the main prize from Newsground.com while the series itself was named the Movie of the Year 2013.

Newsground.com is a major website in English dedicated to flash-animation and games. Every day new masterpieces from both professional studios and single artists from all over the world are uploaded here.

Qumi-Qumi had already won Newsground awards before. One of the first episodes that was uploaded on the website – “The Fishing” – won Daily Feature Gold Award as the most popular movie of the day. All Qumi episodes that were uploaded later won Daily Places as the most popular pieces on the website.

However our main winner is now “The Third Eye” which won Review Crew Pick Award for the highest number of positive reviews on the site. While conferring the award the Newsground team also called Qumi the Movie of the Year in 2013. “The Third Eye” is also a recurrent winner of Daily Feature Award.



26 episodes


106 episodes